
In Moscow on May 21-23 under the auspices of SPE, Russian Society of Subsoil Experts (OERN) and State Commission on Mineral Reserves (GKZ) a joint workshop took place.

Specialists of “UNTC” LLC took part in the Petroleum Reserves and Resources Estimation Workshop: Sharing the Vision.

The workshop included 6 sessions:

  • Global codes and classifications of reserves estimation, their development trends
  • Russian classification of reserves
  • Methodology for oil and gas reserves estimation
  • PRMS: building on global consensus
  • Shale oil: reserves estimation and production forecast
  • Deterministic and probabilistic methods

Participants represented almost all major Russian oil companies; colleagues from the foreign companies were actively involved in the workshop as well.

We would like to mention the most relevant and interesting reports: “The main principles of the new Russian classification of reserves” (contributor Shpurov I.V., Federal State-Funded Institution “GKZ”), “Procedure for determining permeability and net pay reservoir thickness for the purposes of categorization of projects on development of subsurface sites containing scavenger oil reserves” (Petersilye V.I., Federal State Unitary Enterprise “VNIGNI”) and “Development of Bazhenov formation – a promissing resource potential of Yugra” (Shpilman A.V., Shpilman research and analytical centre).

On the whole, the event proved to be useful, a wide range of classifications of reserves was presented, acceptable Russian classification was discussed in details, interesting results of works of specialists of various companies were presented. Thanks to SPE-Russia the workshop was held at a high technical and qualification level.
